Qarshi Ilacheen 800ml
Qarshi Ilacheen, the refreshing classic with a cardamom taste sensation, is an all natural syrup. Reserving the delicate and soul-soothing aroma of cardamom, Qarshi Ilacheen is free from artificial flavours. It can be used to flavour traditional desserts as an alternative to crushed cardamom.
Mix in water and use as a refreshing and thirst quenching drink. Energising drink as Qarshi Ilacheen added to milk. Taste enhancer of milkshakes. Topping on ice cream, fruits, cakes and desserts.
Water, Sugar, Citric Acid (E330), Sodium Benzoate (E211) (Preservative), Artificial Flavors, Permitted Food Colors (E110, E102, E133).
Energy: 42 kcal, Fat: 0g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Carbohydrates: 11g, Sugars: 11g, Protein: 0g, Salt: 0g.
This product does not contain any allergens.
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